Turn your purchases into rewards.

Sign up to our panel of 6,000 everyday Australian Females and make your voice count!
Your participation impacts what products are being sold, plus earns you e-vouchers from a range of popular stores.

You can now request a call-back from our agent, to help you complete the registration over the phone.

Your gifts

Get Rewarded with H&M Vouchers and Gift Points When You Join the NielsenIQ Consumer Panel!
Get Rewarded with App Stores & iTunes Vouchers and Gift Points When You Join the NielsenIQ Consumer Panel!
Get Rewarded with coles Vouchers and Gift Points When You Join the NielsenIQ Consumer Panel!
Get Rewarded with woolworths Vouchers and Gift Points When You Join the NielsenIQ Consumer Panel!
Get Rewarded with asos Vouchers and Gift Points When You Join the NielsenIQ Consumer Panel!
Get Rewarded with BIGW Vouchers and Gift Points When You Join the NielsenIQ Consumer Panel!
Get Rewarded with Target Vouchers and Gift Points When You Join the NielsenIQ Consumer Panel!
Get Rewarded with Kmart Vouchers and Gift Points When You Join the NielsenIQ Consumer Panel!
Get Rewarded with Myer Vouchers and Gift Points When You Join the NielsenIQ Consumer Panel!
Get Rewarded with Catch Vouchers and Gift Points When You Join the NielsenIQ Consumer Panel!
Get Rewarded with Hotels.com Vouchers and Gift Points When You Join the NielsenIQ Consumer Panel!
Get Rewarded with Harvey Norman Vouchers and Gift Points When You Join the NielsenIQ Consumer Panel!

How it works


Apply to join. Download our free mobile Scanning App and use it to then scan everything that’s bought in your household.


Your household’s scanned shopping data will then automatically be sent to us at NielsenIQ at absolutely no cost to you.


For every week we receive your household’s shopping data, you will be credited with valuable points. These points can then be exchanged from a wide choice of popular branded gift vouchers.

What our Panelists have to say about us

I’m really loving being a part of the NielsenIQ Beauty Panel, Thank you so much for having me!

Chloe, 23 yrs, Victoria

Have really enjoyed participating in the NielsenIQ Beauty Panel. It’s very easy to log purchases each week, even when I don’t buy that week and the rewards build up very quickly. I really feel like I am getting a great bonus for just doing my normal shopping. The team are also very responsive to my questions and quickly sort out any small problem.

Kim, 59yrs, New South Wales

Frequently Asked Questions

About us

NielsenIQ is a global information and measurement company with leading market positions in marketing and consumer information, television and other media measurement, online intelligence, mobile measurement, and related assets. The company has a presence in approximately 100 countries, with headquarters in New York, USA. For more information please visit www.NielsenIQ.com

For decades, NielsenIQ has set the standard for global market and consumer insight research. Our insights are based on representative samples of the population and help our clients (e.g., manufacturers, retailers, non-profits and governments) learn about what consumers watch, buy, their preferences and behaviours. Your participation in our panel helps us create our consumer insight solutions.